A guiding principle.
In 2012, Bergenstråhle adopted the ambitious goal of “Return on Innovation®” as a guiding principle in our partnerships with clients. As a client, one should be able to measure the actual results of their efforts. It is a complete and unique business process that, when managed correctly, can measure the return on your investments in IP. We are the only IP advisor with a commercial plan, where you get your own advisor to help you create Return On Innovation®.
In essence, it’s quite simple: the customer should always be able to, continuously, see the results of their efforts. By monitoring progress, they are in a situation characterized by proactivity and predictability. Two qualities that ensure good profitability.
Insight creates value
Managing IP and building IP portfolios in a commercial enterprise is an economic investment that should not be limited to a mere expense. So, we generate insights into potential development and point toward the direction that supports your company’s growth. The goal is for you to increase the value of your business and achieve more Return On Innovation®.
Our advisers will help you.
A significantly increased business value from your IP investments does not happen overnight. We guide you, step by step, towards higher heights and increased profitability. With a focus on clarity, information, and control, your company will have insights and processes that deliver greater and better utilization of your assets, bringing clear value enhancement to the business.
Looking for new adventures?
Take a look at our careers page.
Are you interested in helping companies reach their full potential? Do you thrive in an environment of innovation and creativity? If you also want to work with a competent team that puts the team before the self, you are welcome to visit our careers page.
Who knows – you might be our next star.