Trade secrets

Trade secrets can be best described as confidential business or technical information that would harm your company if it ended up in the hands of competitors.

Many companies choose to protect these valuable and unique assets by simply keeping them secret. But unfortunately, leaks can occur in a variety of ways, in large as well as small organizations, and in order to be protected by the law, companies need to have taken reasonable steps to protect their trade secrets.

At Bergenstråhle, we have expertise in this area and can help with a variety of measures.


The purpose of training in trade secrets is to increase knowledge of the subject, for example to increase understanding of what this can mean in your own workplace. This also increases the understanding of the need for various measures to reduce the risks of leakage of company secrets. We usually recommend that all employees participate in the training.

For the training to be effective and for the risk of leaks of company secrets to be reduced, various measures must of course be implemented. Thus, the training can be followed by the Trade Secrets Action Plan service. Bergenstråhle can also assist in developing various measures in the action plan, such as a Trade Secrets Policy.

Action plan

By having an agreed trade secret action plan in place, the company has a plan of actions that reduces the risks of leaks of company secrets and builds value in the company.

For the action plan to have any effect, the various measures in the action plan must be implemented. An example of such a measure is a Trade Secrets Policy. Bergenstråhle can assist in developing various parts of the action plan and can also assist with training and implementation.


Having a trade secret policy in place in the company creates a basis for reducing the risk of leaks of company secrets for the benefit and value of the company. With such a policy, the company can clarify the various considerations and actions that must be taken under current legislation, and the company’s employees gain knowledge and guidelines through the policy that guide employees in their daily work.

Which companies should control their trade secrets?

  • Innovative thinking and innovation-intensive companies that have unique services, products and business approaches.
  • Companies that choose to keep their assets secret instead of not using registrable protection.
  • Companies in all sectors, preferably small and medium-sized enterprises
  • Companies that do not have their own legal department or understaffed legal department, nor a compliance function.
  • Companies with ambitions to grow their value or that intend to raise investment capital or that are considering selling the business.

Contact us

You are welcome to contact one of our experts.

They will assist you identify needs, recommendations and implementation to make the best use of your trade secrets.

Christer Löfgren
Attorney at Law
+46 79 100 12 32

Karin Broman
Attorney at Law
+46 79 102 41 87